Tonc Text Engine

A generalized raster text system. More...


 Basic operations.
 Basic getters and setters.
 Console IO
 Stdio functionality.
 Tilemap text
 Text for regular and affine tilemaps.
 Character text, column-major
 Text on surface composed of 4bpp tiles, mapped in column-major order.
 Character text, row-major
 Text on surface composed of 4bpp tiles, mapped in row-major order.
 Bitmap text
 Text for 16bpp and 8bpp bitmap surfaces: modes 3, 4 and 5.
 Object text
 Text using objects.

Data Structures

struct  TFont
 Font description struct. More...
struct  TTC
 TTE context struct. More...

Internal fonts

const TFont sys8Font
 System font ' '-127. FWF 8x 8@1.
const TFont verdana9Font
 Verdana 9 ' '-'ÿ'. VWF 8x12@1.
const TFont verdana9bFont
 Verdana 9 bold ' '-'ÿ'. VWF 8x12@1.
const TFont verdana9iFont
 Verdana 9 italic ' '-'ÿ'. VWF 8x12@1.
const TFont verdana10Font
 Verdana 10 ' '-'ÿ'. VWF 16x14@1.
const TFont verdana9_b4Font
 Verdana 9 ' '-'ÿ'. VWF 8x12@4.
const unsigned int sys8Glyphs [192]
 System font ' '-127. FWF 8x 8@1.
const unsigned int verdana9Glyphs [896]
 System font ' '-127. FWF 8x 8@1.
const unsigned char verdana9Widths [224]
 System font ' '-127. FWF 8x 8@1.
const unsigned int verdana9bGlyphs [896]
 System font ' '-127. FWF 8x 8@1.
const unsigned char verdana9bWidths [224]
 System font ' '-127. FWF 8x 8@1.
const unsigned int verdana9iGlyphs [896]
 System font ' '-127. FWF 8x 8@1.
const unsigned char verdana9iWidths [224]
 System font ' '-127. FWF 8x 8@1.
const unsigned int verdana10Glyphs [1792]
 System font ' '-127. FWF 8x 8@1.
const unsigned char verdana10Widths [224]
 System font ' '-127. FWF 8x 8@1.
const unsigned int verdana9_b4Glyphs [3584]
 System font ' '-127. FWF 8x 8@1.
const unsigned char verdana9_b4Widths [224]
 System font ' '-127. FWF 8x 8@1.

Color lut indices

#define TTE_INK   0
#define TTE_SHADOW   1
#define TTE_PAPER   2
#define TTE_SPECIAL   3

drawg helper macros

#define TTE_BASE_VARS(_tc, _font)
 Declare and define base drawg variables.
#define TTE_CHAR_VARS(font, gid, src_t, _sD, _sL, _chW, _chH)
 Declare and define basic source drawg variables.
#define TTE_DST_VARS(tc, dst_t, _dD, _dL, _dP, _x, _y)
 Declare and define basic destination drawg variables.

Default fonts

#define fwf_default   sys8Font
 Default fixed-width font.
#define vwf_default   verdana9Font
 Default vairable-width font.

Default glyph renderers

#define ase_drawg_default   ((fnDrawg)ase_drawg_s)
#define bmp8_drawg_default   ((fnDrawg)bmp8_drawg_b1cts)
#define bmp16_drawg_default   ((fnDrawg)bmp16_drawg_b1cts)
#define chr4c_drawg_default   ((fnDrawg)chr4c_drawg_b1cts)
#define chr4r_drawg_default   ((fnDrawg)chr4r_drawg_b1cts)
#define obj_drawg_default   ((fnDrawg)obj_drawg)
#define se_drawg_default   ((fnDrawg)se_drawg_s)

Default initializers

#define tte_init_se_default(bgnr, bgcnt)   tte_init_se( bgnr, bgcnt, 0xF000, CLR_YELLOW, 0, &fwf_default, NULL)
#define tte_init_ase_default(bgnr, bgcnt)   tte_init_ase(bgnr, bgcnt, 0x0000, CLR_YELLOW, 0, &fwf_default, NULL)
#define tte_init_chr4c_default(bgnr, bgcnt)
#define tte_init_chr4r_default(bgnr, bgcnt)
#define tte_init_chr4c_b4_default(bgnr, bgcnt)
#define tte_init_bmp_default(mode)   tte_init_bmp(mode, &vwf_default, NULL)
#define tte_init_obj_default(pObj)   tte_init_obj(pObj, 0, 0, 0xF000, CLR_YELLOW, 0, &fwf_default, NULL)


#define TTE_TAB_WIDTH   24


typedef void(* fnDrawg )(uint gid)
 Glyph render function format.
typedef void(* fnErase )(int left, int top, int right, int bottom)
 Erase rectangle function format.



Detailed Description

A generalized raster text system.

As of v1.3, Tonc has a completely new way of handling text. It can handle (practically) all modes, VRAM types and font sizes and brings them together under a unified interface. It uses function pointers to store drawg and erase functions of each rendering family. The families currently supported are:

Each of these consists of an initializer, tte_init_foo, and one or more glyph rendering functions, foo_puts_bar, The bar part of the renderer denotes the style of the particular renderer, which can indicate:

The included renderers here are usually transparent, recolored, using 1bpp strip glyphs (_b1cts ). The initializer takes a bunch of options specific to each family, as well as font and renderer pointers. You can provide your own font and renderers, provided they're formatted correcty. For the default font/renderers, use NULL.

After the calling the initializer, you can write utf-8 encoded text with tte_write() or tte_write_ex(). You can also enable stdio-related functions by calling tte_init_con().

The system also supposed rudimentary scripting for positions, colors, margins and erases. See tte_cmd_default() and con_cmd_parse() for details.

See also:
Surface functions

Define Documentation

#define TTE_BASE_VARS ( _tc,
_font   ) 


TTC *_tc= tte_get_context();        \
    TFont *_font= tc->font;             \
Declare and define base drawg variables.

Each drawg renderer usually starts with the same thing:

#define TTE_CHAR_VARS ( font,
_chH   ) 


src_t *_sD= (src_t*)(font->data+gid*font->cellSize), *_sL= _sD;     \
    uint _chW= font->widths ? font->widths[gid] : font->charW;          \
    uint _chH= font->charH;
Declare and define basic source drawg variables.

#define TTE_DST_VARS ( tc,
_y   ) 


uint _x= tc->cursorX, _y= tc->cursorY, _dP= tc->dst.pitch;          \
    dst_t *_dD= (dst_t*)(tc->*_dP), *_dL;
Declare and define basic destination drawg variables.

#define tte_init_chr4c_b4_default ( bgnr,
bgcnt   ) 


tte_init_chr4c(bgnr, bgcnt, 0xF000, 0x0201, CLR_ORANGE<<16|CLR_YELLOW,  \
        &verdana9_b4Font, chr4c_drawg_b4cts)

#define tte_init_chr4c_default ( bgnr,
bgcnt   ) 


tte_init_chr4c(bgnr, bgcnt, 0xF000, 0x0201, CLR_ORANGE<<16|CLR_YELLOW,  \
        &vwf_default, NULL)

#define tte_init_chr4r_default ( bgnr,
bgcnt   ) 


tte_init_chr4r(bgnr, bgcnt, 0xF000, 0x0201, CLR_ORANGE<<16|CLR_YELLOW,  \
        &vwf_default, NULL)

#define TTE_TAB_WIDTH   24

Generated on Mon Aug 25 17:03:57 2008 for libtonc by  doxygen 1.5.3