Aaaand, 0.8.3

Well that was fast.

Dovoto discovered some quirks in the way names were used under shared data runs and had a nice suggestion to allow images to be added via grit files as well. There was also some other small niggly bits that needed straightening out. So yeah, grit v0.8.3.

grit 0.8.2 / usenti 1.7.10

Apparently, the GRF format didn't quite follow the official RIFF specs, so I had to fix it (thanks for pointing it out, Daniel). While I was at it, I also changed the names of the meta-tile arrays if a meta-map was asked for. In stead of the -Map affix, it now uses the more logical -MetaTiles. Yes, this probably will break something, but in the long run it's better this way and it's a compiler error, so it's easy to fix.

Usenti's been updated to match.


tonc 1.4 official release

The files have need downloadable for a while now as a preview, but I finally put the text up on the main site as well so I guess that makes it official. Tonc is now at version 1.4. As mentioned before, the main new thing is TTE, a system for text for all occasions. I've also used grit in some of the advanced demos, so if you want to see how you can do advanced work with it, check out the mode 7 demos and the tte demo.

This will be the last version of Tonc. It's really gone on long enough now.

Files and linkies :

Right! Now what …