grit - GBA Raster Image Transmogrifier

Grit and its GUI version Wingrit are my image converters for the GBA (and NDS I guess). They can do most of the simple things like reading an image (pretty much any type of bitmap thanks to FreeImage) and converting it to binary data of various bitdepths which can be directly put into VRAM, but also more complicated matters such as tiling and metatiling (for 1D object mapping for example), making a tilemap along with a reduced tileset (or using an external tileset), popular map layouts, and compression compatible with the GBA's BIOS routines. The capability for an NDS alphabit has been added recently as well. Output can be C/asm arrays, raw binary, GBFS, and a RIFF-based format called GRF.

Not good enough? Well, the source code is available too, so you're free to modify it. The code should be platform independent right now, or at least very nearly so; the catch being that you might have add or remove some type definitions and maybe create your own makefile for compilation.


grit-readme.txt, wingrit-readme.txt, Manuals,

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Current version: 0.8.6

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